Тексты песен и музыка с альбомов заготовок "A", "B-side", "Rockin' Conception" и "IIII (Four Sticks)"
на личной
Scream (For Me)
I wanna see emotion
Create this awesome potion
I wanna go in streets
Don’t matter if it fits
There’s evil coming closer
You are an overdoser
You know that I am too
But I’m in love with you
So won’t you scream for me
They say we are in trouble
So, girl, we gotta rumble
They say that I am mad
They want to make you sad
But every word they said
Is empty, cold and dead
You gotta scream for me
* * *
If there’s no one who makes it change
It’s no doubt feeling awfully blind
If there’s no change there’s a chance
To set up right just what you find
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Feel the air, look now straight in the sky
Know for sure that I am still here
There’s no reason if you don’t even try
See and listen, touch it and hear
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Fire burning deep in your soul
Will survive, gonna make it all right
Tearing down this solid high wall
Has to be your brilliant fight
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
If there’s no one who makes it change
It’s no doubt you feel awfully blind
It’s the time for your sweetest revenge
Anyhow, yeah, and any kind
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
* * *
Three Headed Monkey
It got two heads more than an average human being,
It has been in such dimensions, frightening even when you think,
A lot of mighty power got this massive steamroller -
It is the symbol of metal, it is pictured rock’n’roller.
When it goes in the streets all the others must be quiet;
It is thrilling, it is freezing, it can painfully bite.
All the girls around the world get their passion, lose control
And the three headed monkey is going to get them all.
What you see you cannot deny.
What do you want? Come on, say: "Ai!"
It brings you no fooling, you’re its to the end.
To stay is hard, to drop is ever hard then.
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You got one head,
But it got them three.
Its black glasses are shining with the chilling light.
Do you know how it can hammer, do you know how it can slide?
It doesn’t like words because it knows they don’t mean.
Three thousand magrifications that’s what it had been.
Let’s count: the screaming mouth and the shameless mind,
The unlovely behavior that’s what you’ll finally find.
All wrong and joking from the end of its tail,
The other side of sin, real visitor from Hell.
When it’s near I feel all right!
Tighter than tightest and more tight.
Genuine hard rocker of the soft reality,
The heavy messiah of the best quality.
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You got one head,
But it got them three.
I cannot explain, you cannot imagine -
You just have to see this infinity engine.
It’s starting now, yeah, right now!
You know how! Ow, now! Wow!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You got one head,
But it got them
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You got one head,
But it got them three.
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You got one head,
But it got them three.
You got one head,
But it got them three.
You’ve got to be free!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
* * *
Лежит гитара,
Струной нема;
Она устала
Скучать одна.
Она должна
Играть и петь,
Она одна
Нам даст ответ.
И ей под силу
Сомнений тину
И страх побед.
Она укажет
Нам путь Наверх.
Она расскажет
О судьбах тех,
Кто жить не смог -
И кто не сдался,
Кто зло берёг -
И кто отдался
Добру навек,
Кто заслужил
Любовь людей -
И кто убил…
Лежит гитара,
Струной нема;
Она устала
Скучать одна.
Разбив оковы,
Людей спасти
Она готова
От них самих…
* * *
“When love breaks up,
When the dawn light wakes up,
A new life is born.
Somehow I have to make this final breakthru… Now!”**
Хочу мечтать, взлетая птицей в небо,
И знать, и жить, и зреть, и слышать,
Хочу с тобою быть там, где я не был,
Хочу котом бежать по крышам.
Желаю одного – лишь солнца лучик
Пускай коснётся нас так нежно,
Пусть с небосклона сгинут стражи-тучи,
Оставив нам с тобой надежду.
И тьма навеки скроется из взгляда,
Ведь свет прогонит мрак унылый,
Как двое первородных в кущах Сада,
Поймаем ветерок мы стылый.
Закутавшись в желанья и мечтанья,
Дождёмся мы рассвета ока,
Прогоним прочь жаленья и метанья,
И поплывёт рекою лодка.
Услышу трель я птичью…
Твой взгляд поймаю по утру…
“If I could only reach you,
That would really be a breakthru!”***
* Прорыв (англ.). (Здесь и далее цитируется песня группы Queen “Breakthru”.)
** Когда любовь утомляется,
Когда рассвета луч пробуждается,
Рождается новая жизнь.
Как-то должен я осуществить финальный прорыв… Сейчас! (англ.).
*** О, если б мог тебя достичь я,
Свершился бы прорыв, о коем говорю! (англ.).
* * *
Ворваться ветром ввысь, вертящимся винтом,
Не думать о сейчас, не думать, что потом.
Пройти пустыни пыль при праздной полутьме,
Забыть мгновений прах в тебе или во мне.
Легко летать,
Легко желать,
Быстрей нестись
В пустую высь.
Столетний серпантин… Суровых серых скал
Не видеть, не страшась. Как долго я искал!
Быстрее бороздить большую белизну –
Я вновь пришёл сюда, чтоб принести весну.
Легко летать,
Легко желать,
Быстрей нестись
В пустую высь.
Не говорить
И не молчать –
Лишь только быть
И ощущать.
Тропу топтать, трястись, тянуть телеги толк
Вперёд… Ты не стреляй, ведь я тот верный волк.
Коварство, кукловод, канава, копоть, крест –
Довольно горьких бед! Довольно смены мест!
Легко летать,
Легко желать,
Быстрей нестись
В пустую высь.
Не говорить
И не молчать –
Лишь только быть
И ощущать.
«Глагольных рифм, - глаголь, - не бойся; не просись;
Не думай; не мечтай – а просто бросься ввысь!»
* * *
Мой умирающий блюз
Уйдя во вчера,
Забыв своё платье,
Оставив лишь боль
И запах духов,
Ты бросила фразу
Из нескольких слов...
А я всё лежал,
Лежал на кровати.
Разбитый кувшин,
Отвратное пиво;
В кармане - дыра;
В душе - пустота.
Уродливый мир
И злая судьба -
Всё стало похоже
На пошлое чтиво
Тупой телевизор,
Дурацкие книги,
А вот таракан -
Сидит на стене
И вся моя жизнь,
Как будто во сне...
Нет, словно в кошмаре,
Плетётся к могиле.
И люди на улицах -
Всё блёклые тени
Мир проклят, но только
Я с ним не борюсь -
Забыл обо всех,
Оставил лишь блюз,
Мой блюз до конца
Бесчисленных денег.
Мой умирающий блюз.
* * *
Play With The White Dog
I wanna do it, it’s no way out
I’m in a prison so try to find the key
There’s no black colour, there is no doubt
The white dog’s waiting, sniffling can’t you see?
Let’s go together, let’s go right now
I’m on a bright side even if it’s dark
The dog is angry, the dog will howl
It’s big and clever like a hungry shark
Come out and play hey
Just go your way hey
Come out and play hey
Just go your way hey
It’s getting closer, it’s oh so near
I’m losing time and I’m losing my mind
The dog is you, babe, don’t want your tears
Go try and catch me, bite me if you find
Come out and play hey
Just go your way hey
Come out and play hey
Just go your way hey
Come out and play hey
Just do O’K
* * *
Another Last Goodbye
Ещё одно последнее прощай –
Don’t let them all to hear your deepest cry.
Тропа ведёт вперёд, ведёт назад –
You want to close your aching weak little heart.
О прошлом помнить сил не хватит нам –
But what had been that might be so divine.
Ступив в проём, небрежно оглянись –
Oh, were you looking for a life like this?
Ещё одно последнее прощай –
Держи! Держись же, dear, не отпускай!
Your head explodes with dark forebodings too?
The band you’re in starts playing different tunes?
“I’ll see you on the dark side of the Moon”!
* * *
Незабываемое (Если я стану подводною лодкой...)
Если я стану подводною лодкой,
Уйдёшь ли ты со мною на дно?
Если я взойду на холм лёгкой походкой,
Будешь ли ты со мною одно?
Мерить деньги любовью, а чувства – деньгами,
Привычно, не так ли, мон шерр?
Всё, что стояло всегда между нами,
Можно сбросить с балкона, поставить за дверь.
Если я позову тебя за собой тихо-тихо,
Услышишь ты зов? Поймёшь ли, что я?
Нельзя жить и любить без передыха,
Но и не делать этого тоже нельзя.
Если я стану подводною лодкой,
Захочешь ли ты со мною на дно?
Чем плакать в неволе без крыл, одинокой,
Не лучше ль сбежать? И всё ли равно?..
Жизни ответ, как письмо, запечатан и скрыт,
И только для смелых к счастью путь не забыт!
* * *
Can Get It Back
It was a lonely time you want to get all back
You wanna drink your wine don’t wanna load your back
Come on and show her how you’re gonna love her now
Your happy days return and she won’t cry her “Burn!”
Your move now!
Make better!
You know you can get it back
You know you can get it back
It’s hard to make it all wake
You know you can get it back
You know you can get it back
You know you can get it back
You gotta make it all wake
You know you can get it back
Someday somehow you’ll take so you must learn to break
It’s in your hand again remember what is main
There is the way you need though it can make you bleed
When clothes are on the rack you know you can turn back
Make better!
Your move now!
You know you can get it back
You know you can get it back
It’s hard to make it all wake
You know you can get it back
You know you can get it back
You know you can get it back
You gotta make it all wake
You know you can get it back
You know you can get it back
You know you can get it back
It’s hard to make it all wake
You know you can get it back
You know you can get it back
You know you can get it back
You gotta make it all wake
You know you can get it back
* * *
Magical Run (I Wanna Run With You)
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you, no matter ho-ow
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you
Walking down the street now
Tear my heart apart
Can we be together?
Can I be your part?
Thinking ‘bout good times
‘Cause there’s nothing left
Yes, I gotta have you
I got more to save
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Come on
Let’s turn it on
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you, no matter ho-ow
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you, no matter ho-ow
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you
Did you try to run, babe?
Did you try to shout?
I’ll stay with you, girl
And then we’ll work out
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Let’s go, run, run, run, run
Come on
Let’s turn it on
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you, no matter ho-ow
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you, no matter ho-ow
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you, no matter ho-ow
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you, no matter ho-ow
I wanna run with you and do it no-ow
I wanna run with you
Hey, gotta run with you
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a dream roller
You’re a soul taker
You’re a born faker
You have mighty power
And it’s your hour
I see in your eyes
Black dog disguise
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
Cursed death creature
I wanna meat ya
Wanna slide it in
Because you’re so mean
I’m gonna know you
Hell I will show you
Night screamer, growler
Devil ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
You’re a ghostcaller
* * *
When I Rock (I Like To Shout)
When I rock I like to shout
I want to find and I’ll find out
Rock riff’s coming and rhythm’s ready
I want you girl I’ll be your daddy
I’ll play guitar and I will sing
It is a pleasure it’s not a sin
Let’s go baby move your body
We’re gonna burn here somebody
You gotta twist you gotta rock
It’s in your head ‘cause this is shock
No need in troubles there’s just one thing
Rock out baby don’t try to think
Yes, when I rock I like to shout
I want to find and I’ll find out
You gotta twist you gotta rock
It’s in your head ‘cause this is shock
No need in troubles there’s just one thing
Rock out baby and we won’t sink
No never
* * *
I Will Go To North Pole!
I won’t go to East
No I won’t go to East
I won’t go to East no never
I will never go to East
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I won’t go to West m-m-m never
I won’t go to West no way
I won’t go to West I won’t go to West
I won’t go to West By plan or by car
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
Don’t try to make me go to South
I will never go there
I will never never never go there
I said I will never go to South
So where will I go?
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
I will go to North Pole!
* * *
The Forest And The Tree
There’s a little tree in a deep forest
Don’t you think it’s about your worries?
Hard to grow among woody others
Who’s to blame? Who is your father?
The tree’s alone and always sad
Is there anything worse than that
Gotta grow it’s got to fight
Through the day through all the nights
There’s a little tree in a deep forest
Don’t you think it’s about your worries?
Gotta grow it’s got to fight
Through the day through all the nights
Tried to run then tried to hide
Let the starlight be your guide
* * *
What You Choose
You have your own mind of what people call blind
You have your own strange idea ‘bout modern ideals
There’s a lot of bad that you keep there in your head
You choose things that you need but that no-one never means
You have what you choose - now you’ve come and turned me loose!
You have what you choose - now you’ve come and turned me loose!
At the times I choose red you don’t care ‘bout that
You words’ breaking my brain making all the worst - main
And nobody can say when you’ll stop the game you play
You are pretty sexy girl but you make people burn
You have what you choose - now you’ve come and turned me loose!
You have what you choose - now you’ve come and turned me loose!
You’re not stupid and not deaf but your best friend is yourself
You choose troubles from good news and you don’t want nothing new
Meeting people, choose the way that for you they’ll someday pay
‘Cause you’re mad, don’t want revenge but I know you’ll never change
You have what you choose - now you’ve come and turned me loose!
You have what you choose - now you’ve come and turned me loose!
You have what you choose - now you’ve come and turned me loose!
You have what you choose - now you’ve come and turned me loose!
* * *
Rif -F-
We’re gonna ride on a riff
We’re gonna make it all day
We’re gonna rock it and sniff
We have to do anyway
We’ll swim in water so fine
You know you could be mine
Come on if you’re not deaf
We’re gonna rock the riff -f-
The sun is shining above
It’s day for you and for me
There is no need to be tough
Open your eyes and you’ll see
We’ll swim in hot sea so fine
You know you must be mine
Come on shooting the death
We’re gonna rock the riff -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
Rock the rif -f-
* * *
Imagine The Love
I imagined the love
It was so nice for me
It was taking me from
Deep and dark mind seas
I imagined the truth
That would not bring me down
Look again what you have
Hard to hear the love’s sound
It’s a cold day
Of my loving
Gotta find way
And start knowing
I believe that
The love I found
Will guide me through
Won’t drop to ground
It’s a fantasy
Really want it
Our madness we’re
Gonna slow it
Never ending
Road leads to truth
It’s a garden
For me and you
I imagined the love
It was so nice for me
It was taking me from
Deep and dark mind seas
I imagined the truth
That would not bring me down
Look again what you have
Hard to hear the love’s sound
* * *
Long-Haired Rock
Cut your hair
Take a chair
Sit down
It starts now
See and listen
What is missing?
Nothing more
Than your world.
I don’t cry I only shout
And when I have to go out
With the sound I can hear
I understand I live.
Who is gone?
I’ve not done
Nothing wrong
But it’s going on.
Feel my soul
She’s alone
Where am I?
Is it right?
No music but rock
That’s key for the lock
No hairs – no tries
To find out lies.
‘Cause when you try to fight nothing you have to know that you’ll be fought
And I will do this all right and even better it may be thought
It’s not a thrill, it’s not a pleasure, it’s just a real life shock
It helps me stay and I still play long-haired rock.
When in love
It’s getting tough
On my own
It’s still not gone
If your heart
Is not apart
You can say
What is my way.
Chorus: (* 2)
Rockin’ Conception
The Circle
Many numbers
Fill our minds
People thought
If it’s big
It rules our life
Real nothing
Means too much
You can’t see it
But in the end
It did make punch
So get up and make this circle with me
So stand up to make this circle with me
So get up and make this circle with me
Zero number is what should be
So stand up and make this circle with me
So get up to make this circle with me
So stand up and make this circle with me
Eight is zero’s way to be
Caught in millions
Thousands too
Also hundreds
But what I say
It’s not for you
Cipher’s bigger
Than all that
It’s eternal
Can make a bet
So get up and make this circle with me
So stand up to make this circle with me
So get up and make this circle with me
Zero number is what should be
So stand up and make this circle with me
So get up to make this circle with me
So stand up and make this circle with me
Eight is zero’s way to be
Many numbers
Fill our minds
People thought
If it’s big
It rules our life
Cipher’s bigger
Than all that
It’s eternal
Can make a bet
So get up and make this circle with me
So stand up to make this circle with me
So get up and make this circle with me
Zero number is what should be
So stand up and make this circle with me
So get up to make this circle with me
So stand up and make this circle with me
Eight is zero’s way to be
So get up and make this circle with me
So stand up to make this circle with me
So get up and make this circle with me
Zero number is what should be
So stand up and make this circle with me
So get up to make this circle with me
So stand up and make this circle with me
Eight is zero’s way to be
* * *
Hard Rockin’ Baby
You’re a hard rocking baby
Do it to me
May be say “may be”
But that’s what I see
Holding me tight now
Don’t wanna let go
Just have to say
And I’m gonna crawl
Oh this is really good
I do what I should
Oh this is really fine
When babe you’re mine
Hard rocking baby
Let’s get it up
Do it all night
We don’t wanna stop
Twisting and rocking
Again and again
Won’t you pour sugar
Pleasure on pain
Oh this is really good
I do what I should
Oh this is really fine
When babe you’re mine
My hard rocking baby
Magical potion
My heavy lady
Sweetest emotion
Oh this is really good
I do what I should
Oh this is really fine
When babe you’re mine
Oh this is awesome
Come get some
* * *
My Old School Rock ‘n’ Roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
Feels my body feels my soul
Wanna play it all night long
Gonna show you ‘till it’s gone
Come on honey rock with me
See me catching this fast stream
Gonna have it gonna shout
Get it on now get it loud
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
It’s not small yeah it’s tall
Gotta love it here and there
I don’t care if they don’t care
Let’s make love and let’s ride on
‘Cause the show must go on
It’s the thing for you to call
One and only rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
My old school rock ‘n’ roll
* * *
Дальняя дорога к вечному счастью
Нежность листвы,
Радость рассвета…
Помнишь ли ты
Хвост той кометы,
Что нас связала
И навсегда
Путь указала
В город Судьба?
Помнишь мечты,
Наши слова,
Чувства свои?
Ветер, трава,
Вздох и покой…
Шли мы тогда
Старой тропой
В пору добра.
В наших умах:
Те ожиданья
В наших сердцах,
Наши волненья,
Наши восторги -
Сот ощущений
Бурные воды.
…Мы оглянулись
В прошлое дальнее,
Снова вернулись
К выбору давнему,
Видим с порога
Сквозь все ненастья
Нашу дрогу
К вечному счастью.
* * *
Rock Conception
Being alone and feeling useless -
Is there anything worse than this?
On my own I’ll never able
To cross deepest largest Seas,
Seas of fears, death and evil,
Only one ship’s swimming there
Its name’s Rock and for forever
I’m his part and he’s my share.
I am going the way
Which will carry me away.
With my song and my guitar
Know that I will go far.
Please, look carefully at me,
Tell me then what you have seen.
Listen better - let the rock
Turn the fire to the smoke.
“Give me a rhyme,
Said I,
I’ll have a resurrection”.
“Give me a rhyme,
Said I,
Don’t want a conversation”.
“Give me a rhyme,
Said I,
‘N’ bring me to my station”.
“Give me a rhyme,
Said I,
Conclude my rock conception”.
So that way I’m making my songs,
Don’t know if it helps and will they be gone.
I’m trying to be better and different,
Trying to stay this way for a long.
Rock ‘n’ roll rhythm, I love you, I beg you,
Don’t leave me, don’t stop your sounding, ‘cause
All will return then to how it was, -
We have got to play! Let’s make the right choice!
Singing in the midnight light,
Turning wrong now to the right.
Read the story by the words.
We will never need a sword -
I believe and do you do?
There’s a thing that’s good to you.
Let’s turn fire to the smoke -
Let’s change requiem with rock!
Being alone and feeling useless -
Is there anything worse than this?
On my own I’ll never able
To cross deepest largest Seas,
Seas of fears, death and evil,
Only one ship’s swimming there
Its name’s Rock and for forever
I’m his part and he’s my share.
Singing in the midnight light,
Turning wrong now to the right.
Read the story by the words.
We will never need a sword,
I believe and do you do?
There’s a thing that’s good to you.
Let’s turn fire to the smoke -
Let’s change requiem with rock!
* * *
Dived In The Sands
I’ve walked for a long time
I’ve gone through the pain
I was nearly dead
But it looks the same
The desert is near me
It knows my name
It burns in the sky
It burns out my days
The desert is down, the desert – above
The whirls of death and pre-dying cough
The dried up oasis, let it be damned
Got me in the jail, I’ve dived in the sands
I’m here and I’m lonely
It’s what I have found
The desert is cruel
It kills all the sounds
I do what I can but
It’s dropping me down
The sand’s in my eyes and
I’m under the ground
The desert is down, the desert – above
The whirls of death and pre-dying cough
The dried up oasis, let it be damned
Got me in the jail, I’ve dived in the sands
The desert is down, the desert – above
The whirls of death and pre-dying cough
The dried up oasis, let it be damned
Got me in the jail, I’ve dived in the sands
The desert is down, the desert – above
The whirls of death and pre-dying cough
The dried up oasis, let it be damned
Got me in the jail, I’ve dived in the sands
* * *
Cowboy Sahn
Never turn around
Never slow down
Doing what I can
Doing what I’ve done
Never see your face
Knowing what to do
Knowing what I have
Horse and colt and hat
It will take me far
Yes it’s gonna be
It’s the right way for me
Fallowing by the sun
Am I only son
To take care of it
To hold on and lead?
Going this long way
I won’t make a stay
I am ought to go
Through the dark and fears
‘Cause I have my thought
And I have my wish
My treasure I will reach
Get on
Ride on
Ride on
Get on
Go through
It’s the cowboy song
About cowboy sun
About cowboy son
Did you get the one?
Going this long way
I won’t make a stay
I am ought to go
Through the dark and fears
‘Cause it’s oh so near
And you wait for me
Finally it’ll make me free
Get on
Ride on
Ride on
Get on
Go through
Get on
Ride on
Ride on
Get on
Go through
IIII (Four Sticks)
В путь!
Снова ветер мчится вдаль,
И сверкает, словно сталь,
Солнце; я иду вперёд;
Ободряя, мне поёт
Песнь победы мира ртуть -
В путь! В путь!
Рок для всех и для всего -
С ним не страшно ничего!
Взят аккорд, мотив готов
Подхватить потоки слов -
Он не даст нам утонуть -
В путь! В путь!
И звучание органа
Под удары в барабаны,
Фортепьяно, лидер, бас,
Ритм, вокал и крики масс
Ход вещей изменят пусть -
В путь! В путь!
Боль и горе, страх и смерть -
Их на свете больше нет;
Рок, лишь рок остался жив -
Высший суд и истый миф.
Вот ножи для цепких пут -
В путь! В путь! В путь! В путь!!
* * *
May Be It Was Me?
There is so much to do,
And I told it you:
You can grow up,
You can open ‘n’ shut,
You can read and, hey!
You have any way.
So why do you noise
That it’s not your choice?
And all of ours
Conversation hours
End the same
Old damn way:
You say I am
Always to blame
& wisdom of mine
Is a crack of my mind.
Oh, can I, can?
Can I, can?
Can I, can
Persuade you?
But can I, can?
Can I, can?
Can I, can?? -
Or I can’t?
You cry something
And listen nothing.
“Oh, understand!”
“I just can not stand!”
“Girl, please, do not hurry…”
“You haven’t to worry,
‘Cause your words are truth,
Boy, only for you”.
Oh, please, please!
Please, please!
Please, please,
Listen to me!
But please, please!
Please, please!
Please, please,
Would you listen to me??
So day and another
We shout at each other,
You’ve closed your brain,
You don’t feel my pain…
But… I just have thought,
It was like a shot:
May be it’s me
Who started & let it be?
Oh, may be, may be!
May be, may be!
May be, may be
It was me?
But may be, may be!
May be, may be!
May be, may be -
Me, me, me?..
* * *
Жизнь Без Тебя
Ты знаешь, мгновенья проходят и блекнут,
А жизнь остаётся - нужна ли она,
Когда в ней ни жизни, ни света, ни мысли,
Когда нет и не было в жизни тебя?
Ты видишь свой путь, и ты вроде бы счастлив,
Не плачешь ты зря, но и редко смеёшься,
Что знаешь, в то веришь - и так ты живёшь;
Ты знаешь, что здесь ничего не добьёшься.
В семье для тебя есть любовь и поддержка,
В друзьях - нет измены, судьба - не твой враг,
Но в сердце твоём словно что-то заснуло
И сон этот крепкий не сбросить никак.
Ты смотришь вокруг, и все люди как люди,
У всех есть пороки и доля добра;
И ты как они, только взор твой печальней;
Ты ищешь ту жизнь, что была весела.
Но снова не найден ответ на вопрос,
И снова в тумане душа ото сна…
И я понимаю, в чём скрыта печаль, -
В том, как я живу: я живу без тебя.
* * *
Bring The Fire To The Land...
Bring the fire to the land
To make things destructed.
It’s so hard to reconstruct it,
To make the castle from the sand,
And not to bring the fire to the land.
Drop yourself into the abyss
With no light, no life, no choice,
Where no one can hear your voice,
Be like mouse, which died for cheese.
Would you like to jump into the abyss?
Cut the forest of the dreams,
Forget your wishes like the garbage.
Now it’s time for the dark age.
Take it blindly, just how it seems
By cutting the forest of the dreams.
Bring the fire to the land
To make things destructed.
It’s so hard to reconstruct it,
To make the castle from the sand,
And not to bring the fire to the land…
* * *
(Sound Of A) Good Guitar
It’s a sound of a good guitar
Overdriven or clean no matter
It’s a way to make yourself a star
It’s a thing that makes us better
I wanna play my guitar in the morning
Forget my troubles all my falls
It’s a kinda staff that kills my boring,
My silly thoughts and starts to call
It’s a sound of a good guitar
Overdriven or clean no matter
It’s a way to make yourself a star
It’s a thing that makes us better
Let’s walk, play, then have a rest
It’s a plan for you I’ve created
It’s the time, the place to make it best
And no moments here to be wasted
It’s a sound of a good guitar
Overdriven or clean no matter
It’s a way to make yourself a star
It’s a thing that makes us better
It’s a sound of a good guitar
Overdriven or clean no matter
It’s a way to make yourself a star
It’s a thing that makes us better
It’s a sound of a good guitar
Overdriven or clean no matter
It’s a way to make yourself a star
It’s a thing that makes us better
It’s a sound of a good guitar
Overdriven or clean no matter
It’s a way to make yourself a star
It’s a thing that makes us better
* * *
Here Comes The Dark Clown
See him coming
Now he runs to you
With the hungry blade
And thoughts of the mad
Cold and steel
Eyes of faker
Midday sleeper
Midnight waker
Joke of life
Means zero
Running knife
Is your fear now
So he’s here again
Pain and suffer brings
Don’t try to escape
You won’t save your shape
Joke of life
Means zero
Running knife
Is your fear now
Cold and steel
Eyes of faker
Midday sleeper
Midnight waker
* * *
Это Наш Рок-Н-Ролл!
Удивлять, восхищать,
Заводить и играть -
Это наша работа.
Подпевать, танцевать
И ладони сжигать -
Это ваша забота.
А всё остальное - наш рок-н-ролл.
Отрешитесь от дел -
Let them be burning in hell:
Ваше время пришло.
Покупайте билет
И идите на свет:
Мы готовы давно.
Ну а дальше - наш рок-н-ролл.
Отправляемся в путь,
Чтобы космос встряхнуть, -
Это звёздный твой час.
Настроенье - как раз,
Рок-н-ролл - высший класс, -
Эй, вперёд и - сейчас!
О-о, это наш рок-н-ролл!
"A" https://archive.org/details/Anewversion
"B-side" https://archive.org/details/Microbit-rec197
"Rockin' Conception" https://archive.org/details/GrigoriyNedelko-RockinConception
"IIII (Four Sticks)" https://archive.org/details/GrigoriyNedelko-Iiii
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