(Like a) Blind Myth
One step run one step go
One day fear one day show
One night nightmare here again
One desire in the veins
Kick hiding love out
Knock yourself right out
Kick hiding heart out
That what’s about
Kick hiding love out
Knock yourself right out
Kick hiding heart out
Give me the start
In the black in the red
Brains are out hate instead
Give what real feel what feel
Something’s like blind myth
Kick hiding love out
Knock yourself right out
Kick hiding heart out
That what’s about
Kick hiding love out
Knock yourself right out
Kick hiding heart out
Give me the shout
Home tonight hurt inside
See in sights your insight
Open eyes take a pen
Write a story Peter Pen
Kick hiding love out
Knock yourself right out
Kick hiding heart out
That what’s about
Kick hiding love out
Knock yourself right out
Kick hiding heart out
Give what you found
* * *
Зверь [Миру, забытому любовью, посвящается]
Запах московских дорог,
Страх преждевременной смерти...
Сталебетонный пророк
Техно-финансовой тверди,
Зверь из тумана и дыма
Индустриального мрака
Вечно проносится мимо,
Лая, как злая собака.
Серый пейзаж очарован,
Светом огней освещённый,
В цепи прогресса закован,
Алчностью порабощённый.
Мчится зверь сквозь мирозданье,
Ищет дорогу к богам,
И, утеряв состраданье,
Мыслит: "Аз людям воздам!"
Но без намеченной цели
Месть, к сожаленью, пуста;
Звери недавно поели -
Голодны звери всегда.
В вязкой трясине успеха
Пищу несложно поймать,
Но завершилась потеха -
Вновь надо пищу искать.
В мире, забытом любовью,
В мире, сплочённом войной,
В мире со злой добротою
Зверю неведом покой.
* * *
Faze To Faze
Watch calmest dreams my child
They will defend your smile
And they will kiss your ears
And you will hear you will hear
We’re faze to faze in our race
Both run like hell then stand again
Don’t need no words all’s in my eyes
Don’t worry close yours eyes my child
Faze to faze
Stuck in race
Faze to faze
Stuck in race
Faze to faze
Faze to faze
Play song inside make heart complete
I’m always yours I like your hit
I touch your lips your face will shine
Your smile’s alive my lovely child
* * *
God Is Away
The store is closed
And angels are all deaf
Somebody’s told
But no one’s there
For now
God is away
He doesn’t want to stay
He’s tired of our wars and pray
He’s flown away
God is away
The word is empty
The book is shut
Demons laugh deadly
Armageddon’s shot
And now
God is away
He doesn’t want to stay
He’s tired of our wars and pray
He’s flown away
God is away
God is away
He doesn’t want to stay
He’s tired of our wars and pray
He’s flown away
God is away
God is away
He doesn’t want it anymore
No peace no war
No saint gore
And faraway He’s away
* * *
Angry Bird
The moment’s come right now
But you’re fooling somehow
No play just same old ground
Real me they’re gonna found
Oh yeah clear your minds
Your sadness shines
You’re angry bird you know
Has you been flown?
Oh come on
You’re angry bird tired of things
Angry bird with broken wings
Empty one who chose wrong style
Been waiting for a while
You’re angry bird lord of things
Angry one loud and unseen
And untill you see me singing now
Learn it anyhow
People’ve changed their ways
I got words and slowly say
If all faces are still the same
They’ve imagined dragon name
Oh yeah clear your minds
Your darkness shines
You’re angry bird you know
Has you been grown?
Oh get on
You’re angry bird tired of things
Angry bird with broken wings
Empty one who chose wrong style
Been waiting for a while
You’re angry bird lord of things
Angry one loud and unseen
And untill you see me singing now
Learn it any how
Just angry dove with crying eyes
You’re angry bird tired of things
Angry bird with broken wings
Empty one who chose wrong style
Been waiting for a while
You’re angry bird lord of things
Angry one loud and unseen
And untill you see me singing now
Learn it any how
Just angry dove with crying eyes
No surprise no no surprise
* * *
If there’s no one who makes it change
It’s no doubt feeling awfully blind
If there’s no change there’s a chance
To set up right just what you find
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Feel the air, look now straight in the sky
Know for sure that I am still here
There’s no reason if you don’t even try
See and listen, touch it and hear
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Fire burning deep in your soul
Will survive, gonna make it all right
Tearing down this solid high wall
Has to be your brilliant fight
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
If there’s no one who makes it change
It’s no doubt you feel awfully blind
It’s the time for your sweetest revenge
Anyhow, yeah, and any kind
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
Stay high – not low!
Stand up – to show!
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