
Тексты песен и музыка с альбомов заготовок "Zero (Vocals VS Instruments)", "Zero 2: DoppelGANger (Vocals VS Instruments)" и "W8 OFF 8"

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Bitch For Fun


One day she says yes

            Other day – no

            What do you want babe?

            May be you don’t know


            I hear them joking

            I see them smiling

            But when you’re talking

            I’m so bored I’m dying


            Bitch for fun

            Bitch for fun

            You’re thrown and done

            You’re bitch for fun


            Bitch for fun

            Bitch for fun

            You howl and run

            You’re bitch for fun


            Does not no answers

            Does not no questions

            For him you’re “Yes sir!”

            Your dedication


            I watch them arguing

            I know they doubt

            And all your tryings

            Is foolish pride


            Bitch for fun

            Bitch for fun

            You’re thrown and done

            You’re bitch for fun


            Bitch for fun

            Bitch for fun

            You howl and run

            You’re bitch for fun


            You’re bitch for fun

            You are the one

            You’re bitch for fun

            You’re bitch for fun


            You’re bitch for fun

            You are the one

            You’re bitch for fun

            You’re bitch for fun


            Just that bitch


* * *


Tour For Blur


Riding high

Riding wild

Getting up

Welcome to the tour for blur


Know your way

Move your day

Shine like sun

Welcome to the tour for blur


Have a girl

Then have two

Sex like gun

Welcome to the tour for blur


It’s a sound it’s a wave

Take it now ‘cause you must take


Being in hole

Being as all

Being down

Welcome to the tour for blur


Throw it out

Dig no doubt

Rise like star

Welcome to the tour for blur


In a dream

With a team

Shout it loud

Welcome to the tour for blur


It’s a sound it’s a wave

Take it now ‘cause you must take

It’s a sound it’s a wave

Take it now ‘cause you must take


Welcome to the tour for blur


* * *


Walk Through That Door


Many times and you are here

Don’t come down just see and hear

Open door is your right way

So don’t stay don’t go away


Walk through that door

That’s what you’ve never done before

Walk through that door

Right now


Walk through that door

That’s what you’ve never done before

Walk through that door

Come now


Many miles and many sights

Know your name use your style

Care of business care of things

You must go hey and you must win


Walk through that door

That’s what you’ve never done before

Walk through that door

Right now


Walk through that door

That’s what you’ve never done before

Walk through that door

Come now


Walk through that door

That’s what you’ve never done before

Walk through that door


Go walk through that door

Go walk through that door go

Go walk through that door

Go walk through that door go

Go walk through that door

Go walk through that door go

Go walk through that door

Go walk through that door go


* * *


Bring Me Weather (Give Me Thoughts)


Bring me weather give me thoughts it’s like rain for me

Bring me sunshine bring me thunder it’s all good you’ll see


Oh you’ll see

So cool you’ll see


Bring me weather give me thoughts

Bring me weather give me thoughts

Bring me weather give me thoughts

Bring me weather give me thoughts


In all seasons we must be together


Bring me wind and give me starlight for us to know

It’s the point it’s the start it’s a road just hold on


Oh you’ll find

It’s true you’ll find



Bring me weather give me thoughts

Bring me weather give me thoughts

Bring me weather give me thoughts

Bring me weather give me thoughts


            In all seasons we must be together


            In all seasons we must be together



* * *


Be Creative (Walk This Way)


We’re all writing stories

Like there’s no tommorow

We’re all casting fire

Forgetting about sorrow

We all fly in a fantasy

With princes and princesses

And we’re hyper-jumping

In science fiction as well

And if there is a hero

Who born in our novel

Of course he can help us all

To get some prize from Nobel

We’re riding our ways

We’re waving our waves

And if there is no future

As well there’s no today


O-oh that’s the way

O-oh so just play


Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way


Falling in love with Dracula

Becoming strange with Hogbens

Reading writing everywhere

We’re higher and stronger then

We’re solving all the puzzles

Will ride a wild horse

To save Bilbo and Frodo

And fight Saruman of course

We have a djedai blade and

We turn enemies to stone

Well you’re still not with us?

So join our clan! Come on!

We’re all writing stories

We’re all casting fire

And if you think you’ll stop us

Hah… buddy you may try


O-oh that’s the way

O-oh so just play


Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way


Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way

Be creative walk this way


* * *


Я ускоряюсь (Я не хочу убегать!)


Я ускоряюсь:

Мой родитель меня тянет вниз.

Я удивляюсь:

Какой ещё новый жизнь нам готовит сюрприз?

Я поднимаюсь:

Сверху я многое вижу, но всё кажется мелким...

Я улыбаюсь:

Я прочь гоню грусть – всё, потерявшее смысл, вновь выглядит веским!


Бездна слов, чтоб сказать, -

Мы решаем молчать;


Веры нет продолжать,

Но нет сил погибать;


Чтобы что-то понять,

Нужно прежде узнать;


Начинаем желать –

Нам пора умирать.


Я не хочу убегать!

Я не хочу убегать!

Я не хочу убегать!


* * *




Жаждет возмездья герой безымянный -

Пламя в глазах, на лице длинный шрам,

Тучей чернильной плывёт из карманов

Праведной ярости смертный туман.

Блеск пистолетов в сиянье луны,

Жало ножа, рядом тяжкий кастет,

Меч, смертоносные пчёлы войны -

Стрелы и дротики, и арбалет.

Стражник бессонный, он - мститель навек,

Коему слово «сомнение» чуждо…

Нет, он не бог, но и не человек;

Имени нет - да оно и не нужно…


Тебе не уйти,

Тебе не спастись:

Он рядом всегда -

Каратель, судьба,

С усмешкой кошмара,

Готов для удара -

Знай, Совести тьма

Поглотит тебя…


* * *




Под звуки разгрома, разбитой мечты,

Увядшего рока и новой войны

Блестит отраженье в небесной глади.

Зерцало размером в два мира с хвостом

Само себе сущность, само себе дом;

Твоя повседневность, твой благостный сон,

Твой жуткий кошмар. Навсегда погребён.


Ты. В нём.


Плывёт отраженье, стоит и растёт,

Похоже на мир и как мир наш живёт -

Его пожирает, неспешно жуёт.

С другой стороны этой жуткой стены

Мы снова одни, никому не нужны

И снова идём мы под смерти ножи -

И ты вместе с нами, и снова внутри.


Гибнешь. Умри.


Воскреснув в последний, спасительный миг

(О да, ты не сдался, о нет, ты не сник!),

Разбив все преграды, в свой мир ты проник.

Ты стал говорить, что война - это зло,

Что хаос - к чему человечество шло,

Что ты Проводник и ты - Слово Его,

А то, что случилось, - не помнишь давно…


Что было, то было; что было - прошло;

Прошло - и забылось; забылось - ушло.


Навсегда. Ли?

Надолго. Ли?..


* * *


Don’t Try...


When you look at the world what do you like to see?

Don’t even try to change - it won’t be.

Good and bad - what help from them?

Now life and death are all the same.


Don’t try to see - you’ll find you’re blind,

Don’t try to think - you’ll broke your mind,

Don’t try to remember - you’re not exist anymore,

Don’t try to forget - you shan’t win this war.


You live to die - you know it well,

And Someone’s still waiting for us in Hell;

He might show us the Exit, but

He didn’t want anything but cut.


Who wanted to go - go by killing themselves;

They didn’t know it would not save.

All your trying will fall soon,

And words “don’t try” are your forever doom.


Don’t try to see - you’ll find you’re blind,

Don’t try to think - you’ll broke your mind,

Don’t try to remember - you’re not exist anymore,

Don’t try to forget - you shan’t win this war.


* * *


Over The World


Over the world

Over the world

Over the world


Knocking at door

Screaming at night

Feeling as whole

And then falling down


Flying like part

Loosing so start

It all over again

To make your thoughts then


Make them make them

Construct them and update them

Make them so make them


Just make them all


Over the world

Over the world

Over the world


Over the world

Over the world

Over the world

Over the world

Over the world

Over the world


Over the world

Over the world

Over the world


Something ain’t right

Or everything’s good

No matter don’t try

To be understood


Keep all your visions

Bring all your minds

It’s only decision

For dreams to be found


Find them find them

Don’t loose don’t cry then

Just find find them


So find them all



Over the world

Over the world

Over the world


Over the world

Over the world

Over the world

Over the world

Over the world

Over the world




"Zero" https://archive.org/details/Gan-ZerovocalsVsInstruments

"Zero 2" https://archive.org/details/Gan--Zero2DoppelgangervocalsVsInstruments

"W8 OFF 8" https://archive.org/details/Gan--W8Off8

"Flame Of Road" https://archive.org/details/GangrigoriyNedelkoDadiamondAce--FlameOfRoad

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